Below an overview from our Porta Nova Videos. We have a mix of videos from step by step floral design with our roses but als a series of videos revealing the “Secrets behind our top quality roses”

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Another of Porta Nova’s Secrets revealed. Water management with an eye for the environment

Another of Porta Nova’s Secrets revealed by our grower Aad van Luijk ; Combating mildew with UV-C light.

“Secrets behind Porta Nova Summer quality reveiled”

“Another of Porta Nova’s Secret revealed, Natural pest & Desease managment

Porta Nova Vasel Live Timelaps


Floral Design with Porta Nova roses

Ever wondered what working surrounded by 30 mln roses looks like?

Gothic Flower dress

Inside the Porta Nova Wishing Well

Share Some Love with Porta Nova Roses

Valentine movies with Porta Nova roses

Valentine drone