Dear Flower trader / Florist

As you may know at Porta Nova we started building our new greenhouse complex over a year ago. We are almost finished, and the new plants are already growing nicely.

We are ready to start harvesting the first stems.  As the plants are fresh and new we are carefully building the plant and selecting the right stems. In general, the roses plants are not stable yet and first shoots will not give us the stable Porta Nova Quality you are used to. We will therefore not sell them under our Porta Nova Brand.

Some of these stems however are really huge and strong and make a big impression. They may last very long a sometimes open in magical forms, shapes and color.  They are a great gift that we do not want to deny you and your clients.

We have created a special brand and promotion for them “Naomi’s Wild West”. They will be available for +/- 12 weeks from 08-02-19 until production has normalised in the new greenhouse. Roses will be available at auction and through direct sales.

Roses have a special paper (FCS) packaging with recognisable “Wild West” look & feel.

Below you can see our special promotion campaign and “Spaghetti Western video” which was inspired on the opening scene in “Once Upon A Time In The West (1969)

Should you wish to use this in your communication. You can of course share from our social media pages (or embed the video). And in the following link you can download Picture material and logo.

Once Upon A Time In The West(land)

Who wants to join us on an Exciting Adventure?

We are offering this sneak preview of our new greenhouses where our new plants are growing quite fine..

As you may know, the first stems that grow on new rose plants are often real Big Bastards. They are huge and strong because all the new energy from the roots is pumped straight into the first stems of each plant. Since they are not yet stable, these youngsters are real rascals and can be a bit of a problem. They can have a vase-life of 4-14 days. Their shapes or even colors when opening can be a splendid surprise. We are selecting the nicest Big Bastards especially for you. Take caution, as they will only be available for about 12 weeks while the plants settle. By the time the second flush occurs we will have it all under full control and the stems will be tamed to be the same Top Quality Porta Nova roses that you are used to from us…

So take a chance and try them now before it is too late!